I'll Toss You For It:
The Wit, Wisdom and Wrath of Kerry Packer
is an exciting new book about Kerry Packer, which is a cross between a Business Management text book; a motivation book and an autobiography of Kerry Packer.
100 printed pages.

Don't go to Business School just yet! Learn from the Master himself.
Kerry Francis Bullmore Packer was larger than life wherever he went. This first ever collection of Kerry Packer’s wit and wisdom, reveal a great passion for business, for gambling and for life itself.
Read the thoughts and ideas behind the multi-million dollar deals. Learn about Life, Luck, Leadership and much more. “I’ll Toss You for It!” with more than 130 quotes by Kerry Packer is a cross between the businessman’s Shakespeare and Sun Tzu’s The Art of War.
Read a bonus chapter with more than a dozen quotes from Sir Frank Packer.
The book is funny, it is serious and everything in between with quotes from Kerry Packer's ancestry to the afterlife. Each of the pages of stories and anecdotes form a layer of understanding of the Master Businessman.
It is the must have book if you are in business, or intrigued by the Big Fella. Why not order one as a gift? Order Now
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Australian Media Pty Ltd